dome, I belong to my true eternal Iesous Christos, who to save me and
our parents from your slavery was sent as Troyan horse by Ptolemei as
my one and only eternal spouse in God's eyes and the one good and only
to repentant holy souls forgiving and eternally living Corpus Dei',
says Mary Magdala alias the converted Isis,
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
'Osiris, go home, to your underworld under the Vatican or Anglican
dome, I belong to my true eternal Iesous Christos, who to save me and
our parents from your slavery was sent as Troyan horse by Ptolemei as
my one and only eternal spouse in God's eyes and the one good and only
to repentant holy souls forgiving and eternally living Corpus Dei',
says Mary Magdala alias the converted Isis, 'why don't you simply
forget about the evil manipulation of every nation just for greed and
your obsession with power and lust, just because you did not find a
better purpose for your God-given gifts and lifeforce -
really, you have a brilliant mind, and can write just any
dissertation, you can be kind, if you want to get the best out of
others, you can even be at times, if it coincides with your interests
and your image PR a wise judge but you are most of the time wasting
your gifts on your schemes and plotting via organised crime and
trainspotting and to stir up for your war and whoremongering even more
rifts, and you purposefully make even to unbridgable gaps extra wide
shifts, and even try in every incarnation with your mumbling evil
incantation to get your piratery and slavery fleet going again for
your fascist empire - I really am not the only one, whom you do not at
all with your secret society cone anymore inspire, as you are rotten
to the core and your head is wanted even now by your every former
babylonian whore in your every abandoned shore - why don't you finally
And admit to God at His heavenly Judgment Court that you ordered on
our parents and on my husband and me again a hit, and that you did on
our mat spit and even stole from our house as your own mole our
diaries and our personal belongings even in Rome under a dome and in
St Paul's hid - really, you even betrayed me big time every time,
especially also, when I married John Donne and I was in your house
almost forced again to become as your niece your spouse - but you see,
Jesus Christ saved me again and again from your claws, and from your
witches, and I have had enough of their voodoo dolls and Egyptian
death curses and threatened butchering and stitches.
And are you not ashamed that you have even your own babylonian whores
and illegitimate children at first groomed into heresy and organised
criminality and then, by your every devil's den also instead of you
them falsely framed and shamed and blamed for the crimes that you
Not to speak of all the lies that you spread about my husband and me
by your mercenary spies! You are really one hell of a disgusting
entity that only loves gold and delusional power with para-military
precision and drill but you also have your shares in Nazi-gold from
teeth that butchers, who posed as dentists and who in your torturology
overdosed nevermore did fill, and after ripping the teeth out they did
their 'patients' kill.
You probably never thought your victims ever would live the truth
about you to tell but you see, God helped me through Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit to break your every spell and to recognise your
signature even underneath your pomp and circumstance and giant empire
lore investiture in your every underworldly heretical shore. Your gold
does not shine, it is a dead glow that does from your graves and
pyramid piratery treasures show and you never ever to anybody the
truth told and you never ever intended to say to the one Good God and
to His truth: BEHOLD!
There were times I felt sorry for you but you are sheer evil and you
are even worse than the devil, as the latter at least recognises that
God is his boss and that he has to do eventually penance voluntarily
for every crime and every holy soul's life's loss. But you do even
branch out into Norse and sit on yet another high horse of heretical
boar and boredom, as even in your stone heart you are tired of your
own lame game and it never changed, just in every incarnation was
played with your role play name. You tried every single bad way
because you wanted to be bad and now you are slowly but most
definitely in your own company and that of your beasts mad, as that is
your own little world, the darkness of your own abbyss that knows no
trust, no true love, no friendship, no nobility of heart and only ever
quick saturation and paid for mercenary coldblooded lust in every
nation, and you simply do God and my husband Jesus Christ and me and
our family of holy souls disgust, and that is just by looking at your
reptilian war and whoremongering crust!
You still did not get it that from that moment on that I was joined by
God in heaven already as Eve with Adam, He blessed our marital ring
for eternity and it has its very own angel with a special wing to
watch over it and also one for my eternal wedding gown - and that you
have never ever seen but were on creating your own in its image
incredibly keen and you even had me watched at night in my sleep ever
so deep, in case I would talk and speak out aloud God's names or about
my real soul's family, as you wanted to copycat with the snake and her
every dark witch and fairy and evil mandrake all that is good and turn
it into your underworldly mass produced deathbringing heretical
junkfood, and you even stole a whole collection from as many urn as
you could find and dig out under a secret society hood, and that you
stole as your own mole - and you had enough piratery treasures to pay
for a whole international spy organisation in every nation and let
even officially under abuse of your power pay to your informants and
assets your bribery dole, and you had official executives even from
churchhouses provide for your highest traitors against us spy and set
up whole secret communities with from former military hijacked
property -
you did it again like once as Lord Egerton, and many times over, that
you had your own pharao's operation even against Rome and Dover and
wanted the whole wide world to call your own - but you see, you let
once too often the wrong ones throw on your behalf your own stones and
let my husband for you play - or me for that matter - play for you the
clown but you are now out of your own game, as I put on you in every
incarnation also posthumously your name to your every false shame and
blame that you put on God with your stupid Egyptian rod.
Did you not know that God had given me my own heavenly crown and seal
that would eventually counteract yours, as I was always from the
beginning of time free of purposeful sinning and I have stood up for
the truth and shared it for free, and sometimes with or without a
nun's hood. But even as a nun, when too dangerous was the situation
because you were the worst of all of our eternal enemies in this lame
game, I was married to my husband, and am and always will be so for
eternity. Get that finally into your stupid skull - do you really
think that you could play cupid with that bat from Hull?!
Or prevent me from being reunited eventually despite your evil
separation strategy via your every single hierarchy in every nation,
as you are in for your own hell's surprise and your own last
incarnation's demise, when you lose all, especially your reputation
and have from all of God's enemies finally on your own highest horse
and ladder your deepest ever fall.
And nobody does already now return your call, as you are one hell of a
liability to not just a Pallbearers Mall but also to a wailing wall
and every dome and every castle, safehouse and even to mercenary
legions in all regions for your fascist empire operations that you
carried out right under even official governments' nose and you did
once too often in your diplomatic immunity and impunity also in your
present position overdose and so, you are out of a job again, and this
time finally, as your hell is not immune to impunity and you are
meanwhile yourself in the dock accused and charged by Jesus Christ's
flock even in a Fellows Court community, as you everywhere against God
and His holy souls with your evil empire fused.
And, as you might already know, Her Majesty is anything but amused at
your false predictions for a horse's win - and you have to still
confess that you also wanted her to kill and failed to clear up the
mess that you left in her name under a mask, and on that Jesus Christ
personally will take you to task and you many questions ask that will
all result in your fall and end in your answer: 'Guilty.' 'Yes, I did
put poison from a Lambeth palace mass wine cask into a Eucharistic cup
regularly via my every secret society in every community and in the
city from a special flask.' Time is up, Osiris, and you are not St
Steven - that holy soul will also get posthumously still with you
legally and lawfully even.'
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Mother Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose
Cill Naomh Ceadda
Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis
Order of the Holy Violet
St Chad's Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
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